Number of Characters: 0
Number of Words: 0
Non-Blank Characters: 0
Spaces: 0
Sentences: 0
Lines: 0
Non-Empty Lines: 0
Pages (500 words/page): 0
What is "Count The Words In Word?"
"Count The Words In Word" is a simple tool to count characters, words, spaces, sentences, lines, and more in your text.

Welcome to My Portfolio
Hello! My name is UDAY, and I am a passionate website developer with over three years of professional experience. My expertise lies in creating dynamic, responsive, and user-friendly websites using Java, HTML, and CSS.
Whether you're looking for a personal blog, a business website, or a complex web application, I am here to help you bring your ideas to life. I take pride in delivering high-quality, efficient, and visually appealing solutions tailored to your unique needs.
Get in Touch
If you have any questions about my work or would like to collaborate, feel free to reach out to me at "[email protected]".